Diplomacy, trade, corn taxes, burned long houses – the history of Dutch-Indigenous relations in the New Netherland colony is complicated. Historian and cultural ambassador of the Pocomoke Indian Nation Drew Shuptar-Rayvis discusses the causes and effects of Dutch colonization in the mid-Atlantic and the main conflicts of the Hudson Valley: Kiefts War (1643-45), the Peach Tree War (1655), and the Esopus Wars (1659-1664).
Speaker Bio:
Drew Shuptar-Rayvis is a public historian who seeks to preserve the language, history, and culture of Eastern Woodlands people, particularly the Renape, Nanticoke, and Southern Unami. He works as an Algonkian historical consultant with the New Amsterdam History Center and for the Maryland State Archives as a contractual research and preservation specialist, working with tribal oral histories and lifeways.
In-person tickets:
Seating is limited. Call 914-965-4027 or email john.farrell@parks.ny.gov to reserve your spot. Tickets are $6 for adults, $3 for seniors and students, pay at the door. Doors open at 6:45 PM. Museum open 10 am to 5 pm.
Virtual Tickets:
Virtual attendance via WebEx is free, but registration is required. Use the link below to register.
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